School's back - park safely
Bayside City Council 31 Jan 2019

School's back this week so Bayside’s School Crossing Supervisors are back on the job, helping to ensure the safety of students at drop off and pick up times. 

Bayside has 56 school crossings and Crossing Supervisors are much loved members of school communities.

Parking restrictions in school zones are now in force. This includes timed parking and no stopping areas.

Safety is Council’s highest priority when establishing and enforcing parking restrictions.

Restrictions such as 2 minute “Kiss n Go” areas and other timed parking limits are designed to provide safe areas for children around schools during peak times.

“Kiss n Go” areas are designed (and only work effectively) if parents drop off or pick up their children and move on. If you want to park and go into school grounds, please use alternative parking spots so other parents can use “Kiss n Go” during peak times.

Between 8.15-9.00am and 3-4pm weekdays, Council’s parking officers are actively patrolling around schools as a priority. Many schools request additional patrols due to concerns with student safety and illegal parking.

40km speed limits are also back for school days – please slow down in these zones.

More information on parking in Bayside.

Geoff is one of Bayside's School Crossing Supervisors and helps to keep students safe on South Road.