The Charters Towers Move It program returns for Term 1, commencing Tuesday, 23 January.

The free after-school youth activity program aims to assist children in developing skills and capabilities while also promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

Councillor Kate Hastie, whose portfolio includes Sport and Recreation, said the programme for this term will again focus on introducing children to functional fitness, with the program being suitable for students aged between 10 & 14 years old.

“In recent years, the Move It Program has seen a great attendance of school aged children engaging in the activities and developing new skills and experiencing new challenges.

“During this term, participants will gain an understanding of the significance of physical movement and the positive effects it can have on both their mental and physical well-being.

“School-aged children are encouraged to attend every Tuesday and Friday at the PCYC with afternoon tea supplied,” she said.

Charters Towers Regional Council runs the program in partnership with PCYC Charters Towers.

“This initiative is an excellent opportunity for our youth to engage in new activities with no cost to them or their families.

“I strongly urge our youth to make the most of the program, as engaging in physical activities can contribute to maintaining a positive and energetic outlook, fostering good habits that can last a lifetime”, Cr Hastie said.

More information on the Move It Program, including how to register and a parental consent form, is available on Council’s website

The Move It Program is funded by Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) in partnership with North Queensland Sports Foundation.


Photo: MoveIt Functional Fitness