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Wyndham City 30 Mar 2023

Wyndham City has a diverse range of names for places and spaces the community enjoys.

Council aims to continue representing community interests with the Draft Geographic Naming Policy, which has been updated in line with amended State Government naming rules.

The updated Draft Geographic Naming Policy has four themes that will guide naming, while also incorporating enough flexibility to respond to situations where broader considerations are required.

The four themes relate to:

Linking the name to a place (preserving cultural and environmental heritage) Using commemorative names (commemorating an event, person or place, noting that names of people who are still alive must be avoided because community attitudes and opinions can change over time)  Gender equality (inclusive of all genders and backgrounds) Recognition and use of Traditional Owner languages (provides an opportunity to connect a name to place and is subject to agreement from the relevant traditional owner group)

Wyndham City Mayor, Cr Susan McIntyre, welcomed the Draft Geographic Naming Policy.

“By seeking community input for naming suggestions for each theme, it is expected that there will be a greater opportunity for community engagement during the naming process, and naming outcomes will be community-led,” she said.

“Importantly, the Draft Geographic Naming Policy helps us maintain a consistent approach to geographic naming requests within our City, while representing community interests.”

“I invite everyone to share their feedback as part of this consultation.”

For more information and to provide feedback before 20 April, visit: https://theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/draft-geographic-naming-policy-2023