Register an event for Clean Up Australia Day
Redland City Council 27 Jan 2023

Redland City Council is pleased to again support Clean Up Australia Day by providing either skip bins or kerbside wheelie bins for registered clean up events, and is encouraging Redlands Coast residents to get involved.

Mayor Karen Williams said litter was an environmental problem that harmed local wildlife and had an adverse impact on waterways.

“We are fortunate to live in an amazing part of the world, and if we all do our part it will stay that way,” she said.

“Being involved will benefit us all by helping to create a cleaner environment and protecting our waterways for everyone.

“Residents can get involved by finding a local spot to clean up and registering an event for free, or by joining an open, registered event listed on the Clean Up Australia Day website.”

Residents are encouraged to get involved in Clean Up Australia Day on Redlands Coast.

Cr Williams said event organisers could advise if they wanted bins when they registered, or could contact Council on 3829 8999 or email [email protected], but bin requests must be placed by Wednesday 15 February.

“Events such as Clean Up Australia Day offer opportunities for us all to step out and help ensure Redlands Coast remains the beautiful, naturally wonderful place it is,” she said.

“If you’re planning to participate in the day, now is the time to prepare and request your bin.

“Of course, we encourage people to stay safe by avoiding hazardous locations, such as roadside clean ups and other dangerous locations.”

Clean up Australia Day events will be held on the following dates:

Tuesday 28 February: Business Clean Up day Friday 3 March: School Clean Up day Sunday 5 March: Community Clean Up day

For more information or to register an event or join an already registered event, visit