Have your say on Eastone Reserve Published: 6 June 2022

Cardinia Shire Council is encouraging residents to have their say on how Eastone Reserve in Pakenham is used by the community.

Eastone Reserve is one of council’s many open spaces and is classified as a neighbourhood level passive open space. This type of reserve generally attracts immediate families, neighbours and friends for informal recreation and relaxation.

An online survey is now available for public feedback on Council’s Creating Cardinia online community engagement platform.

The online survey has been prompted by a community petition requesting a local toilet.

Based on its current classification as a neighbourhood level reserve, Eastone Reserve does not meet council’s current criteria for a new public toilet.

To help council gather more information on how residents use Eastone Reserve and how it might relate to Councils’ Public Toilet Strategy in the future, residents are encouraged to have their say.

Community consultation closes on Monday 4 July 2022.

To have your say, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

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