Tickets selling fast for the 2022 Volunteer Reception and Stan Henwood Awards Published: 10 May 2022

Tickets for the 2022 Volunteer Reception and Stan Henwood Awards are selling fast. Join Council and the local community on Thursday 19 May 2022 to celebrate this special event.

The event celebrates National Volunteer Week (16-22 May) and honours the late Stan Henwood OAM for his lifetime contribution to the Tynong community and the municipality.

The annual Stan Henwood Award recognises individuals who have made outstanding, long term contributions to the local community including volunteers in Cardinia Shire.

The Stan Henwood Awards honour the memory of Tynong legend Stan Henwood. Heavily involved with the Tynong Hall Committee, the Tynong Recreation Reserve Committee and the Make A Wish Foundation, Stan was also a key part of with the local sporting community. He was a life member of the Tynong Tennis Club, the West Gippsland Tennis Association, Tynong Fire Brigade and Tynong Progress Association. Beyond Cardinia Shire’s borders, he received a Medal from the Prime Minister for service to sport and an Order of Australia for Service to the Community.

The evening will include the official announcement of the Stan Henwood Award nominees and winner, guest speaker Carolyn Mitchell and live music.

Event details

Thursday 19 May, 6:30pm Cardinia Cultural Centre, 40 Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield said the annual Stan Henwood Award were an important way to recognise the vital work of volunteers across Cardinia Shire.

“Volunteers do so much for our community and provide so many vital services. Recognising them through the Stan Henwood Award is one way that we can show our appreciation,” Cr Springfield said.

“I encourage the community to join Council in supporting volunteers by attending this exciting event!”

To secure remaining tickets visit Council’s webpage at

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