Have your say on exciting budget
Alpine Shire 8 Apr 2022

The draft budget details a significant $17 million capital works program, made possible through supporting Government grant funding of nearly $9 million.

Alpine Shire Mayor Sarah Nicholas said the budget strikes the balance between recovery, financial responsibility and future growth.

“The past few years have been difficult for everyone - it has been hard to plan for the future during such uncertain times,” she said.

“As we move closer to COVID normal, we can start to broaden our horizons and plan for more freedom and prosperity.

“This budget captures much of the optimism we’re feeling now, while remaining financially responsible.”

Significant projects include the Dinner Plain Activation Project, Myrtleford Splash Park, Harrietville Tronoh Dredge Hole Precinct and Myrtleford Savoy Soccer Club. 

The Tawonga Memorial Hall Upgrade and Mountain View Children’s Centre Concept Design will also be delivered in the new financial year. 

Further supporting Council’s commitment to climate change mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a number of key projects will be delivered to improve the efficiency and environmental impacts of Council infrastructure.

The budget proposes a rate increase of 1.75% for 2022/23 (1.5% in 2021/22)  in line with the Fair Go Rates System, which caps Victorian Council rate increases in line with inflation.

Cr Nicholas encouraged community members to read the document and make a submission if they would like to see changes or additions.

“Every year, we place the draft budget on exhibition and welcome feedback from residents, business owners and ratepayers,” she said.

“This is a valuable opportunity for you to let us know if we have missed anything important, if you have any concerns or any changes to suggest.

“This budget reflects the ambitious Council Plan 2021-2025 and must serve the needs of our community, so the public exhibition stage is vital to ensuring we get it right.

“We invite you to read this draft budget and provide feedback during the exhibition period, and look forward to your views on this important document.”

The draft budget is available to view on Council’s website at www.alpineshire.vic.gov.au/onexhibition.