Council welcomes funding pledge for Upper Beaconsfield facilities Published: 22 April 2022

Cardinia Shire Council has welcomed an election commitment from the federal government of $2.7 million towards upgraded and new facilities for the community at the Upper Beaconsfield Recreation

The reserve is currently used for cricket, junior football, Auskick, pony club, adult riding club and scouts.

Council has been working with the Reserve Committee of Management and user groups on a proposal to develop a new community, sport and scout facility within the reserve. 

The project is planned to include:

new inclusive and accessible changerooms new social space to be used by the reserve users groups, adjoining school and the general community. new facilities for scouts,

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield said council welcomed the funding pledge towards this important local community project.

“As one of the fastest-growing communities in the state, it’s imperative all levels of government work together to deliver what we need.”

“Local community sport means so much, and that’s why we need funding towards delivering a better experience at Upper Beaconsfield Recreation Reserve for all of its users and visitors.”

Cardinia Shire Beacon Hills Councillor Brett Owen said the “much loved and well used reserve is in real need of an upgrade, and the community will be mighty keen to see this project funded."

For more information about the advocacy priorities for Cardinia Shire Council, visit Council’s website at or call the Customer Service Team on 1300 787 624.

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