Council responding to storm event 28-29 October

Published on 29 October 2021

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is responding to requests for assistance following the storm and strong winds the evening of 28 October, and into the early hours of Friday 29 October.

The Victorian State Emergency Service (Vic SES) have advised residents to be mindful of delays if requesting SES emergency assistance on 132 500, having received over 700 calls for help in the past 24 hours to 6:20am Friday.

If your emergency is life-threatening, phone 000.

With the battering of storms overnight, we know that there are many areas across our region without power. Council is expecting to see an increase in the number of calls during the day as property owners may find they are without power and begin to take measure of damage to their properties. 

Council facilities currently closed due to power outages:

Gisborne Administration Centre Woodend Operations Gisborne Aquatic Centre Gisborne Fitness Centre Kyneton Visitor Information Centre Lancefield Kindergarten Macedon Kindergarten Romsey Service Centre Romsey Kindergarten Romsey Recreation Centre Swinburne Ave Kindergarten Hanging Rock Romsey and Gisborne libraries are closed Roads

Please take care on the roads. Our crews are working to remove hazards and clear roads. As well as trees and limbs downed in last night’s storm, please remember trees compromised by previous storms are more likely to fall in high winds.

The clean-up of debris on the roadsides will continue over the coming days so please be patient and stay safe. To report a hazard such as fallen trees on roads, flooding or wandering livestock, call Council on 5422 0333.


To report powerlines down in your area, call Powercor on 13 24 12.

Local resources Woodend Neighbourhood House have power points available for charging phones and can offer “a nice warm cuppa and a chat if you need”. Lancefield Romsey Community Support is available if you are in need of assistance. Please contact on 0491 243 996. Kyneton Library is open.