Council calls for feedback on proposed Community Vision

Published on 17 September 2021

Mildura Rural City Council is calling for locals to review and provide feedback on the Draft 2040 Community Vision, which has been released for public exhibition today.

The community-led 20-year Vision was developed over a six month period, with input from almost 2,000 people who live, work, play and visit the Mildura Rural City Council area.

It describes what everyone wants for our region and community over the next two decades and is underpinned by five vision statements:

We will sustain and enhance our natural environment and resources for current and future generations We will be a healthy, respectful and connected community We will have a thriving economy that harnesses our strengths and capitalises on opportunity We will be a place to live, belong and visit with infrastructure and development that enhances our lifestyle We will have responsible, collaborative leadership that puts community wellbeing at the heart of decision-making

Mayor Jason Modica extended his gratitude to everyone who took up the invitation to Imagine 2040 and helped shape the Community Vision.

“It was very heartening to hear from so many people from all walks of life, who contributed through workshops, illustrations, surveys, video interviews, our digital engagement platform and targeted conversations,” Cr Modica said.

“The Community Vision is not about Council. While we facilitate the process, this is a community document that defines what the community loves about our region and where they want it to be in two decades.”

Under the new Local Government Act 2020, all Victorian councils are required to work with communities to develop and endorse a long-term community vision by 31 October 2021. It highlights what the community values most and sets out a long-term vision and key priorities for achieving that vision.

“As a Council, we will use the Community Vision to guide all our planning, decision-making, programs, services and advocacy,” Cr Modica said.

“Our four-year Council Plan will outline the key initiatives Council will deliver to help achieve the Community Vision.”

Cr Modica said the community was now invited to provide feedback on the final Draft Community Vision, before Council considers it for official adoption next month.

You can view the Draft Community Vision and provide feedback online at

Feedback closes at 5pm, Sunday 3 October 2021.