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Wyndham City 22 Jul 2021

A group of 10 young Wyndham residents will visit State Parliament once CovidSafe restrictions are eased to meet with local State politicians as part of Wyndham’s Youth Civic Participation Project.

The project, which began last week, is designed to support young people aged 17-25 with an interest in government, politics, law and advocacy to better equip them for a career in politics and local government.

As part of the first stage of the project, Wyndham Councillors met with the group to discuss the role of Councillors within local government.

Mayor Cr Adele Hegedich said: “Investing in our young people is one of the best things we can do to help shape our future and our Wyndham 2040 community vision. Teaching these young leaders about how to pursue a career in local government is an important step in their education.”

“We spent the meeting encouraging and motivating these inspired young people to pursue a career in local government, while developing their natural leadership skills to help them become authentic influencers within the community.”

The third and final phase will conclude the Youth Civic Participation project. This step includes the group visiting Australia’s Federal Parliament in Canberra, to learn more about how the nation is governed and to provide them with a first-hand account of Australia’s government structures.

To find out more about this project, please visit: https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/youthcivicparticipationproject

If you would like to see what else our youth of Wyndham are involved in, you can visit https://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/youth-services