What do we want Bayside to look like in 2050, how do we want to live here and what kind of community do we want to be part of?

These are some of the big questions we put to a representative group of residents in early 2020 and challenged them to develop a vision for Bayside’s future.

Council has a legislated responsibility to work with our community to develop a vision for the future of our municipality. This vision is a guiding framework that Council and the community can use to guide our decision making so it moves us closer to our desired collective future.

I’m very pleased to introduce the Bayside 2050 Community Vision to you:

Bayside in 2050 leads the way demonstrably as a diverse, healthy and liveable place. We value economic and cultural progress, environmental sustainability and protection of open spaces and coastline, and we nurture inclusiveness, safety, accessibility, community vibrancy, creativity and innovation.

The vision prioritises the key ingredients our community sees as fundamental to Bayside in 2050. It emphasises leading the way in taking action to address the climate emergency while safeguarding our greater community of life and much loved and iconic natural environment.

It focuses on creating an inclusive and liveable place, where all residents can contribute, live rewarding, healthy and connected lives and benefit from the vibrant, creative and engaged community. This includes mobilising our community and building connection, capacity and resilience to address the challenges we face together.

Over the current Council term my fellow Councillors and I will work to bring the vision to life with the implementation of our four-year Council Plan. We will also work with local First Nations peoples and our local state and federal representatives towards achieving the aspirations in the Vision. And, most importantly, we will work with our magnificent community – both individuals and groups, to create the Bayside we want over the next 30 years.

Thank you to the 850 community members who contributed ideas and feedback to inform the work of our Bayside 2050 Community Panel.

I’d particularly like to acknowledge the resilience and efforts of the panel who worked through the COVID pandemic to bring us this wonderful vision for our shared future in 2050. Thank you.

Cr Laurence Evans OAM, Mayor Bayside City Council

Visit the Vision

Find out about the 10 themes and priorities and how the vision was developed.

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