Feedback sought for 10 year draft Economic Development Strategy

Published on 24 February 2021

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is developing a draft Economic Development Strategy for the next 10 years with a vision for job creation, education and training, economic development, and COVID-19 recovery in the Macedon Ranges

“We know many residents who leave the Macedon Ranges to work, train or learn each day would rather do that closer to home,” said Angela Hughes, Director Planning and Environment.

“Community feedback and suggestions on the draft 2021 – 2031 Economic Development Strategy will help Council identify the challenges and opportunities for our business community and those seeking education and training. It will also canvas activities to create sustainable competitive advantages.

“Community insights will also help identify barriers, competition and emerging technologies that can be addressed to strengthen these advantages,” said Ms Hughes.

Consultation is open from Friday 26 February to 5pm Friday 26 March, and is your opportunity to influence what is included in the draft Strategy.

There are many ways to provide feedback including; online at Your Say; a series of drop-in sessions and facilitated workshops to be held in Romsey 16 March, Kyneton 18 March and Gisborne 23 March (all community consultation drop in sessions will comply with COVID safe measures); written submissions to PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444.

“The community consultation process will build on work to date and your input is vital. If you own a business, live or work in the Macedon Ranges we want to hear from you,” said Ms Hughes.

Work on the development of the draft Economic Development Strategy was halted as COVID-19 restrictions began to take effect early in 2020 and the economic pressures and stress on many business owners began to take their toll.

Council is pleased to re-commence this process and provide opportunities for meaningful engagement.

For more information contact [email protected] or visit Your Say.