Ararat Rural City Council has been working with local businesses and community groups to assist with planning during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Ararat Rural City Council CEO, Dr Tim Harrison encourages event planners and businesses to reach out for assistance in planning for changing COVID-19 restrictions.

“Council is here to support the community to remain resilient and come back stronger than ever,” Dr Harrison said.

“While the health crisis is a relatively new threat to us, we have seen our community regularly face challenges such as droughts, fires, floods and we always come back stronger.

“The resilience we have seen before is what Council want to foster now.

“Helping translate the rules and implement the state government’s resources for COVID safety is one of the first steps to installing confidence back in the community and continue our recovery.”

Emergency Manager Coordinator, Joel Farrow has been working with a wide range of

community groups who manage facilities such as reserves and halls to ensure that they can make the most of the space while obeying safety guidelines.

“Throughout our municipality Council has been delivering signage and assisting in setting up the Victorian Governments resources and guidelines such as QR codes to allow for increased capacity,” said Mr. Farrow

Following the circuit breaker lockdown this past week, CEO Dr Tim Harrison encourages businesses and event organisers not to be disheartened.

“Until we reach a complete vaccine rollout there will likely be ongoing changes to restrictions, however there is still potential for great events to go ahead,” Dr Harrison said.

“The Ride to Remember two weeks ago is a great example of the potential for great events to continue in the current situation.

“Community events and small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. It is important that we do what we can to support them and rally behind them.

“The community in Ararat Rural City have done a fantastic job in facing the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

“Our Economic Development, Emergency Management and Community & Events Teams are all here to support business and community organisers remain strong through the pandemic.”

Any businesses who require further assistance are welcome to contact the Economic Development Team on 5355 0264.

Community groups and event organisers can contact our Community and Events Team on 5355 0257 for further assistance.