Aussie Day Celebrations 2021
Mareeba Shire Council 12 Jan 2021

Citizenship candidates and award nominees will attend special ceremonies with their family and friends on Australia Day.

Mayor Angela Toppin said Council’s annual Australia Day celebrations will be restricted to invited guests only due to COVID-19 restrictions.

“While we would love to hold our annual celebration and invite everyone to join our combined citizenship and awards ceremony, we need to follow the health edicts in place to keep us all safe,” Mayor Toppin said.

Mayor Toppin said Australia Day is a momentous occasion to celebrate who we are and be proud of our achievements.

“Australia Day is particularly significant for those becoming an Australian Citizen,” Cr Toppin said.

“We will welcome 29 new citizens from across the globe including France, South Africa, Italy, United Kingdom and Ukraine to the Shire and I am delighted they have chosen Mareeba Shire as their new home.”

Mayor Toppin said Mareeba’s Citizen and Young Citizen of the Year will be announced following the citizenship ceremony.

“While the ceremonies will be restricted to invited guests only, we still want to acknowledge the outstanding contributions and achievements made by individuals and community groups across the Shire.

“We have 15 worthy nominees who will be acknowledged for their service and achievements in the sporting, cultural and community arenas.

“They are remarkable individuals and groups who deserve to be recognised for their service and contribution to the community.

Award winners will be announced following the ceremony on Australia Day.

The event will be live-streamed on Council’s Facebook Page.