The Ararat Rural City Library has reopened, under a further easing of restrictions announced by the State Government.

CEO Dr Tim Harrison said he is excited to welcome back visitors to the Library.  “This is another important step forward in the reopening of regional Victoria. The role of libraries today extends far beyond access to books. They have the power to educate, inspire and connect all members of the community.”

Ararat Regional Library services will reopen with usual operating hours but with strict capacity rules. Library visits will be limited to 20 customers at a time, in line with the directions of the Chief Health Officer.

“The Ararat Regional Library is committed to supporting the community throughout trying times and will ensure the appropriate health and safety measures are in place as we reopen. Rest assured, there’s staff ready to help.“

The Library will continue to deliver a diverse range of online programs, as well as free online access to its collections, e-resources and services. This includes providing a contactless Click and Collect service, as well as the Home Delivery service which is free to those who cannot get to the library in person.

For more information contact the Ararat Regional Library on (03) 5352 1722. To stay informed about our services during lockdown visit our website or social media pages, for regular updates.