Election reminder- voting closes soon
Bayside City Council 22 Oct 2020

A reminder to residents that votes for the Local Government election need to be in letterboxes by 6pm Friday 23 October.

This year, Council elections are being conducted via postal vote.

Voting packs were sent to enrolled voters between 6 October and 8 October and include information on all candidates in your ward and instructions on how to fill out the ballot form.

Enrolled voters must complete the voting pack and put it in the return post by 6pm Friday 23 October.

Voting in council elections is compulsory for all residents who are listed on the voters' roll. Residents on the voters' roll who do not vote may be fined if they do not have an acceptable reason.

You are already enrolled to vote in our next election if you meet the following three criteria: you will be at least 18 years of age on election day (23 October 2020) you live in Bayside, and you are on the state electoral roll for your current address.

If you haven’t received your ballot pack, visit the VEC website to understand your options.

Learn more about council Elections.