Murray River access another step towards community recovery

Published on 30 September 2020

This week’s further relaxing of New South Wales border restrictions is yet another valuable step towards the Sunraysia region’s recovery from COVID-19.

The New South Wales Government this week announced the vast majority of regional Victorians visiting Sunraysia are once again able to access the Murray River, providing a welcome boost to the local tourism sector.

Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Martin Hawson said while this would provide an important boost to the local economy through visitor spending, it would also provide much needed relief and hope for local residents.

“Each step towards normality after weeks and months of at times very restrictive COVID-19 measures, is another important step along the path to recovery for our community,” Mr Hawson said.

“This latest change means local residents can once again do the simple things they may have taken for granted before COVID-19 restrictions, but were an important part of their lives.

“For example, the ability to now go fishing, take a boat out onto the water, or enjoy these activities with visiting friends or relatives – we shouldn’t underestimate how important these activities are for our community’s recovery.

“Each freedom and service that comes back online is an important boost for our community’s health and well-being and we need to appreciate each step we make.

“In recent weeks we’ve seen our Water Play Park reopen, we’ve seen our Mildura Visitor Information and Booking Centre reopen and we’ve seen more opportunities to get out and socialise at local restaurants and cafes – these are all important steps towards our community’s recovery.”

Mr Hawson said Council, along with Sunraysia’s state and Federal government representatives, would continue to advocate strongly to open up our region as quickly and safely as possible with community recovery a key priority.