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Wyndham City 24 Jun 2020

Wyndham City is calling on all the designers, storytellers, architects, and artists to ensure Council’s research into Wyndham’s Creative Industries is relevant and accurately represents the local economy and community.

Arts and Heritage portfolio holder Cr Tony Hooper said Council sees the role of arts and creative industries as fundamental to the City’s liveability.

“Creativity, artistic practice and cultural heritage influence our community experience, health and wellbeing, cultural vibrancy and the resilience and growth of our local economy,” Cr Hooper said.

“The creative industries form a significant and growing part of the broader Victorian and Australian economy, supporting and generating jobs and investment.”

“Creative Industries encompasses economic activity that is concerned with generating, creating or commercialising ideas, thinking, creativity, knowledge and information.”

“This includes jobs where creativity is at the heart of the work.”

“We want to connect with people employed in creative industries, people who run design businesses and hobbyists.” 

“We’re particularly interested in hearing from people who have a side business in the creative industry.”

“Once we collect this data, we aim to work with Wyndham’s Creative Industries during the recovery phase of Covid-19 to provide employment opportunities and to utilise their skills to reconnect and rebuild community and business.”

“We are looking to establish an ongoing business network of people employed in Wyndham’s creative industries with the intent of optimising growth, attraction, investment, events, education and engagement in the municipality.”

Council is keen to hear your thoughts on what the creative industry means to you. To have your say, complete our short survey here: https://theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/wyndham-creative-industries