Changes to Council services

Published on 23 March 2020

Gannawarra Shire Council will implement changes to some of its services following recent measures announced by the State and Federal governments to stop the spread of Coronavirus.

With the number of cases detected continuing to increase across Australia, Council is continuing to play a key role in preventing the risks for residents.

“Council supports the Federal and State government’s measures that are aimed to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, with Council implementing a number of steps to ensure services continue whilst enabling social distancing measures” Mayor Lorraine Learmonth said.

“Residents are encouraged to complete any transactions online or over the phone rather than visit our Customer Service Centres at Cohuna and Kerang. However, those who need to visit either of these venues will need to adhere to the social distancing measures in place.

“This includes a limit on the number of people who can be in attendance at the counter of both of these locations.”

Meanwhile, the following services will be impacted by the Federal and State governments’ decisions to recommend the closure of non-essential services:

Council’s outdoor pools at Cohuna and Kerang will close from Monday, 23 March, and re-open for the 2020-2021 season in November 2020; The Kerang Exercise Pool will close at 12 noon on Monday, 23 March until further notice; The Gannawarra L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program will be postponed until further notice; Mayoral Listening Post sessions scheduled for Lake Charm on Thursday, 2 April and Macorna on Tuesday, 28 April have been postponed; As per the directive from the State Government, Term 1 kindergarten programs will end on Monday, 23 March; and Gannawarra Library Service branches at Cohuna, Kerang, Leitchville and Quambatook will close at 12 noon on Monday, 23 March until further notice.

“External book chutes at Gannawarra Library Service branches will remain open, with all overdue fines suspended,” Mayor Learmonth said.

“Residents will still be able to access Gannawarra Library Service’s online resources during this time. This includes Beamafilm, BorrowBox and Story Box. Details on all of these resources are available at

“Meanwhile, all Council-managed long day care services will continue to operate as normal at this stage.”

Bookings for all Council-managed facilities will also be reviewed to ensure event organisers are adhering to social distancing measures.

“Council will continue to review arrangements as circumstances change, and thanks residents for their understanding during these challenging times,” Mayor Learmonth said.   

“I also encourage all resident to heed the advice of the Australian Chief Medical Officer and Victorian Chief Health Officers in regards to protecting yourself and others from Coronavirus. This includes keeping a full arm-span between yourself and other people where possible, washing your hands often with soap and water, and, if you are sick, avoiding contact with others.

“If we all do this, we can stop the spread of Coronavirus and look forward to resuming our normal lives.”

For more information regarding Coronavirus and Council’s efforts, please visit  

Residents who are concerned regarding Coronavirus are encouraged to phone the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398 or visit