COVID-19 coronavirus update Tuesday 17 March

The Coronavirus pandemic and State of Emergency as declared by the Victorian Premier on 16 March is a rapidly changing situation.

East Gippsland Shire Council and our community is being impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Council receives regular updates from the Victorian Government’s Department of Health and Human Services regarding the Coronavirus and is responding as required or directed by appropriate health authorities.

The health and safety of our community, customers, contractors and employees is our priority.

We are responding accordingly to assist in ‘flattening the curve’ of coronavirus infection, to give our health system the best chance of managing the virus.

Mass gatherings (currently defined as over 500 people) are now banned. Council officers are reviewing all applications and internal services in line with this and responding accordingly.

We are aware of some events being cancelled or postponed and support the organisers of these events in making these difficult decisions.

Restricting or closing Council’s public-facing services will be made on as as-required basis in line with Council’s response plan.

As an organisation we are confident that we are meeting the DHHS requirements. Council has a team of well qualified staff working on this and have developed plans that anticipate further restrictions and can mobilise quickly should that be necessary.

We are also working with all staff to ensure that best practice advice regarding hygiene is available in public areas and buildings and adhered to.

Yesterday we were able to advise suppliers to East Gippsland grocery stores that there will be no restrictions on their truck delivery times during this period. We are hoping this allows shelves to be stocked more quickly for the community.

As with the general public, we are expecting there may be some limitations in the quantity of some products we can source for our services.

The Department of Health and Human Services is the lead Victorian agency responding to the outbreak of coronavirus disease.

For the most accurate information and guidance about the coronavirus outbreak, go to the DHHS website or call the dedicated hotline on 1800 675 398.