Update #3 - Information and Advice, Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Council is closely monitoring the current COVID-19 pandemic and implementing responses in accordance with Federal and State Government guidelines. It is the intent of Council to take reasonable precaution in a reasonable manner to ensure that the potential and actual risks relating to the transmission of the COVID-19 virus are managed effectively, efficiently and transparently.

Thursday 26th March, Council adopted the Pandemic and Recession Tactical Response Framework which addresses business continuity, disaster management, community support and business community support. The Emergency Management Committee continues to meet throughout the week to ensure Council, as an essential service, continues to maintain our high output of services and support to our region during this ever changing situation.

Council is committed to supporting Queensland Health as the lead agency responsible for responding to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and will ensure our community is kept informed. If you are concerned or exhibiting cold or flu symptoms, particularly cough and/or fever it is advised you contact 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or HEALTH DIRECT (1800 022 222) for advice.

Calling ahead before attending a health facility is for your personal safety, the safety of our health professionals and to ensure the time and resources of our health services are being prioritised in an appropriate manner.

The single most important step to reduce the spread of the virus is to access accurate information from the correct authorities and act upon that advice. We must adhere to social distancing and maintain high levels of hygiene.

Gary Stevenson PSM Chief Executive Officer

Published: 29th March 2020