22 January 2020 - Media release

The severity of the Victorian and NSW Bushfires have taken an additional toll with the temporary shut-down of the Echuca Material Recycling Facility (MRF), adversely impacting Campaspe Shire’s recycling stream and those of some adjoining councils.

The Visy Tumut Mill in NSW, which receives and processes the mixed paper from the MRF together with virgin wood to manufacture paper, is unable to operate using mixed paper only.

CEO, Declan Moore has confirmed that waste contractor Veolia has temporarily closed the MRF because it is unable to send the material to Visy and a significant volume of material is already onsite at the MRF.

Veolia is required to maintain compliance with EPA stockpile guidelines, so Veolia has decided to temporarily suspend processing.

Veolia’s North West Regional Manager, Stephen Elliott said Veolia is engaging with various State Government bodies and other parties to explore alternative solutions that will enable them to re-open the facility as soon as possible.

“The environmental, safety, legal and financial implications of this decision have been taken into consideration and we are working through each of these to ensure the best outcome for our council customers,” Mr Elliott said.

“Veolia are monitoring the situation daily and as soon as practicable, the MRF will reopen and recycling will continue as normal,” Mr Moore said.

“In the meantime, we urge the community to please keep up their excellent recycling habits by continuing to place all recyclable items in their yellow lid bins as usual,” Mr Moore added.