Green Bin Survey

Published on 11 November 2019

In September 2018 Council approved the introduction of a kerbside Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) service. Council is now after information from the community to ensure everyone is well-supported when the FOGO service rolls out mid next year.

The kerbside organics service will allow residents and businesses to divert food and garden waste from going to landfill. The food and garden waste (green) bin will be a 240L bin collected on a weekly basis. The 120L rubbish (red) bin will change to a fortnightly collection and the 240L recycling (yellow) bin will remain at a fortnightly collection. The service will begin on 6 July 2020.

Anyone that currently has kerbside services including businesses, are encouraged to complete this survey. It will take approximately five (5) minutes to complete and we ask that the survey is completed by Sunday 1 December 2019. We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions about this survey, contact Sarah O'Connor on 5018 8100.