Library Service Strategy 2020-24 Survey

Published on 01 November 2019

We are committed to providing quality library services to our community. We invite you to provide feedback to ensure library services are relevant and accessible to all people in our community.

The Library Service Strategic Plan is being reviewed and redeveloped to guide the development and provision of library services throughout the municipality for the next four years and beyond. It will ensure that the municipality has access to a world class library service that provides opportunities for leisure and learning and is responsive to the different lifestyles and needs of residents

The last Strategy was in 2013 – 2018 and many actions were achieved including 

- Develop a recognisable brand that is used consistency across all branch libraries - Implement e-Resource collection - Collect materials pertaining to local historical significance and diverse cultural heritage - Develop a heritage policy - Implement E-Smart program with MRCC libraries - Establish and promote an annual schedule of programs that are responsive to community needs - Provide training to customers to use digital collections and eResources

The survey closes Friday 29 November 2019 at 5 pm.