With rising electricity costs being one of the biggest challenges facing businesses, Balonne Shire Council is partnering with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) and the Queensland Government to bring the highly successful ecoBiz program to Balonne Shire.

ecoBiz is a program funded by the Queensland Government and is free of charge for businesses. The program has been operating for more than 10 years and has assisted 1000s of businesses across Queensland to save money on energy, water and waste expenses. On average, each business has been able to save about 12 per cent on their energy costs, 13 per cent on water bills and 21 per cent on waste-related costs.

Balonne Shire Mayor Richard Marsh said Balonne Shire businesses would be matched with an experienced ecoBiz coach who will do a “walkabout” of their business premises to determine where the business can save money through no cost and very low-cost solutions – about a two-hour process. 

“Then the coach will work with the business to develop and implement an action plan to help the business save money and increase efficiencies,” he said.

“ecoBiz will provide on-going support to help track the businesses usage across energy, water and waste.  Even small changes can mean big savings.”  

St George Medical Centre Business Manager Alex Benn participated in the initial program offered back in November and applied that advice he was given to his current buildings as well as incorporated ideas presented into his new building near completion.

“I had a good idea of what I wanted to achieve in terms of energy savings, but with the ecoBiz coach’s assistance, I have been able to save even more,” he said.

“I am very happy with the results and I encourage all businesses to take up this opportunity. There was very little time commitment from my end to save money!”

Andrew Chamberlin and Eddie Foord, two of the ecoBiz program’s most senior coaches, will be in the region from 13-16 August to assist Balonne Shire-based businesses.  Space is very limited and businesses looking to participate or have any questions, please contact Council’s Economic Development Officer Garnet Radford on [email protected] or 0418 168 824.  Please RSVP no later than Thursday 8 August.