Wednesday, 24 July, 2019

Strathbogie Shire Council welcomed Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio to Nagambie recently to announce a second round of funding from the Victorian Government’s Local Government Energy Saver Program.

Council received a $50,000 grant in the first round of the program, which it matched with $50,000 to implement the first step in a major rollout of energy efficiencies across council-run buildings.

This included the installation of 43kW of solar on four key buildings across the municipality, the installation of LED lighting and the upgrade and automation of a number of pumps across the shire, including at some of the pools and Lake Nagambie.

Minister D’Ambrosio was very impressed with Council’s efforts and announced a further $50,000 from the Local Government Energy Saver Program for Council to continue to implement more energy and cost savings.

Strathbogie Shire Mayor Amanda McClaren said the second round of funding will be utilised for the upgrade and automation of pumps at the old Violet Town landfill site and the pools in Avenel and Violet Town.

“We will also be fitting solar and LED lighting to the Euroa Library, Avenel Recreation Reserve, and Euroa’s Works Depot,” Mayor McClaren explained.

“By the end of this year Council will have addressed our 10 biggest power usage sites and implemented energy efficiencies of 216.4 tonnes of CO2-emissions, saving us $51,600 on our electricity bills per annum.”

“The avoidance of 216.4 tonnes of CO2-emissions equates to taking 50 passenger vehicles off the road for a year (or over half a million ‘miles’ driven by an average passenger car), or abating the energy of 26 homes for one year, every year,” Mayor McClaren said.

Click here for the full story

Sustainability Victoria’s Luke Wilkinson, Strathbogie Shire Mayor Cr Amanda McClaren, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio, Seven Creeks Ward Cr John Mason, Acting CEO Strathbogie Shire Council, Phil Howard and Acting Group Manager Innovation and Performance, Emma Kubeil at the Minister’s visit to Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre which was one of the Council building to receive solar