Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 14 Jun 2019

Would you be able to give me some details about council's long term 10 minute plan by 2040 and how that is hoped to be implemented?

Our 10-minute city is all about providing more of the things people need in their own local neighbourhood and reducing their need to travel.

It involves improving walking and cycling connections to your local shopping centre,  as well as improving public transport and the road, foot and cycle path network as the city grows.

In essence, Ballarat is currently a 10-minute city. As more people move here we’re trying to give more options for doing everyday business so we keep the lifestyle that gives us the point of difference to anywhere else.

How is council working on connecting Ballarat's urban sprawl now and going forward?

The Integrated Transport Plan involves a holistic review of all modes and forms of transport including a detailed current bus network review and a long-term view around high frequency public transport corridors which could relate to public transport, buses, trams and trains.

As we undertake long term planning for future growth areas, integrated transport and land use planning will be a fundamental feature to again maintain Ballarat’s unique point of difference.


Obviously Ballarat's bus routes need some attention, what are your ideas around that?

We’re working closely with the Department of Transport to advocate for a complete review of the current bus network and to urgently seek changes to provide more direct cross city routes which the community is clearly requesting.

Do you have some thoughts about possible solutions such as driverless buses, tram network, new train stations at Lucas or Warrenheip perhaps etc?

Ballarat needs a fully integrated transport network. All these options can potentially play an important future role. The current Ballarat Integrated Transport Plan consultation is to consider how all these options can best leverage off each other to provide the contemporary transport system Ballarat deserves.

Are there any top priorities the council would like to see in the short term?

We would like to see a review of the current bus network, infrastructure investment in our core road priorities including the Western Link Road, investigation into park and ride options and we remain committed to partnering with the State Government to increase Ballarat’s share of infrastructure and service investment.