To mark Harmony Day, Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) Mayor John Kremastos today sent a letter of support and condolence to Lianne Dalziel, Mayor of Christchurch. Harmony Day celebrates a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. CCRC Mayor, Councillor Kremastos feels it’s time for all residents to show greater tolerance and compassion to neighbours and community. “The Cassowary Coast is a culturally diverse region, with thousands of first and second generation Australians.  Our community is enriched by this diversity and we all benefit from every community member, from the traditional owners through to those who have chosen to live in this amazing part of the world” “Recent events in New Zealand have touched us.  We have many New Zealanders who now call the Cassowary Coast home and we join with them in a show of support and strength, building a message of positiveness and peace, to make the Cassowary Coast and Australia a better home for all.” Mayor Kremastos’ letter to Christchurch reflected the role community leaders play in rebuilding communities after tragedy and placed all residents of Christchurch in our thoughts and prayers.