Local writers invited to self-publishing workshop

Posted Thursday 28 February, 01:56pm

Local writers and authors are being encouraged to come along to a free self-publishing workshop at the Ararat Regional Library in early March.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday March 6 and is being presented by Blaise van Hecke, Director of Publishing at Busybird Publishing based in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.

Ararat Rural City Council CEO Dr Tim Harrison said the workshop was a fantastic opportunity for local writers to get some inside tips from an industry expert.

Ms van Hecke is co-owner of Busybird, and a writer, photographer and artist who regularly runs workshops on publishing, writing and editing. She has had articles published about the topic, and is the author of The Book Book: 12 steps to successful publishing.

The workshop will help participants learn:

The differences between traditional publishing and self-publishing. Identifying unscrupulous practices in the industry. Explaining the process of telling your story from A to Z. How to keep costs to a minimum.

Bookings are not required for the workshop, which is being held at the Ararat Regional Library, corner of Barkly and Queen Streets, on Wednesday March 6 at 1pm.