The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has recently issued notices requiring SKM Services Pty Ltd (SKM) to stop accepting recyclable materials at its Laverton and Coolaroo sites.

SKM accepts recyclable materials for processing from many councils, including the Borough of Queenscliffe. Council has been advised that the closure of the Laverton and Coolaroo sites has impacted SKM’s capacity to accept recyclable materials at its Geelong site. This is due to the risk of stockpiles of plastics in Geelong becoming non-compliant with EPA regulations and creating a risk to community health.

“The disruption to SKM’s Geelong site will impact councils across the G21 region,” said Borough of Queenscliffe Chief Executive Officer, Mr Lenny Jenner.

“SKM is working with the EPA to achieve compliance and resume processing of recyclables as quickly as possible, but in the immediate term, it will be necessary for recyclables collected through the kerbside service to be disposed of at landfill.”

“Council’s efforts to seek alternative processing methods have been assessed as non-viable at this time, given EPA regulations,” said Mr Jenner.

Council understands that SKM are doing all they can to ensure their Laverton and Coolaroo facilities meet EPA requirements.

“Council will continue all kerbside collection services,” said Mr Jenner.

“Any residents who have the capacity to store recyclables at home in the immediate term are encouraged to do so until processing of recycling resumes.”

“Council will keep the community informed of developments as they happen,” said Mr Jenner.