Media Response |
Ballarat (City) 21 Feb 2019

1. When City of Ballarat stated they were finding 'alternate receivers' for recycling, does that mean they are seeking another recycling service to take waste for two weeks, or are looking for somewhere in the municipality to stockpile the recycling? 

The City of Ballarat is seeking sites within the municipality for stockpiling. 

2. Has City of Ballarat been promised the SKM Geelong site will be reopened in ten days time? Or is the future of the company still uncertain? 

The City of Ballarat has received no formal commitments from SKM at this point. 

3. Has City of Ballarat made an agreement with recyclers/an organisation to stockpile waste with? 

The City of Ballarat uses contractors to store and transport recycled materials to the SKM plant. Council is working with this contractor and others in relation to temporary stockpiling arrangements.

4. If no, where will City of Ballarat's recycling be kept until that time? 

See response to previous question. 

5. How many tonnes of recycling on average would be created by residents over 10 days/two weeks? 

Approximately 400 tonnes per fortnight. 

6. Where will funds to create stockpiles/pay for a new recycling receiver come from? How much does the City expect to pay? If an agreement has been made, what is the monetary cost of this?  

 The City of Ballarat is negotiating with the contractor at the moment in relation to stockpiling. There is no specific costs that have been agreed at this point. 

7. Has City of Ballarat received any updated information from SKM since yesterday? 

We are in constant contact with SKM and will keep the community informed when there is definitive advice provided.

8. How much does City of Ballarat pay for its recycling contractor SKM each year? 

The City of Ballarat is not in a position to provide this given the commercial sensitivity of the recycling industry at this point.