Media response – Harvesting cane toads for profit – 09/01/2019.

Gympie Regional Council currently does not offer an incentive for the collection of cane toads. Council does currently offer a bounty on wild dogs and feral pigs. For more information, call 1300 307 800 or email [email protected] to talk to our Lands Protection Team.

Media response – 09/01/2019

Does Gympie Regional Council take into consideration early child health and development when implementing or updating planning policy across the Local Government Area (LGA)?  

Gympie Regional Council consider the health and wellbeing of all members of our community in our planning policy development by facilitating child care and early childhood centres in our centres zones. Council has also developed a Walk and Cycle Strategy, Tracks and Trails plan and and Open Space and Recreation plan to encourage outdoor activities and purpose-built spaces for families and young children.

Does Council consider early child health and development when developing new neighbourhoods and rolling out facilities including parks, green areas or child and family play areas?

Open spaces such as the Gympie region All Abilities Playground at Lake Alford provide inclusive play activities for children and young people in the region. This year, Council will be constructing a Youth Precinct (incorporating a regional level skate park, bouldering wall and recreation/grassed areas for families) at Nelson Reserve park in the Gympie Town Centre. The design is such that future developments will include a nature-based play space specifically for young children. These facilities are carefully designed to respond to the needs of all ages and abilities.

Does the LGA’s planning scheme include policy ensuring ne whom developers produce housing that is good for children’s development?

Council’s Planning Scheme establishes a framework to ensure the development industry delivers a range of lifestyle choices and diverse housing products. This includes ensuring adequate private open space/outdoor spaces are provided and residential amenity is considered in all developments.

What support services do you offer families who have children struggling with physical, social, emotional, cognitive or learning difficulties?

As outlined in Council’s Corporate Plan 2017-2022, Council works pro-actively with community and government stakeholders to achieve improved outcomes for children within our region. 

Council provides this support in many ways, including:

Specialist children librarians deliver weekly First Five Forever sessions across the region which enhance the social, cognitive and early literacy skills of children aged 0-5 and their families, as well as the 1000 Books Before School program to encourage reading across the lifespan. Establishing a supported playgroup in the new Curra Hall to support families and children in Curra, Chatsworth and surrounds; Hosting the Gympie Region Annual Early Years Forum which brings together early years practitioners from childcare centres, community organisations, primary schools and government. Sponsoring the annual Little Kids Day Out event, the region’s premiere children’s event which focuses on modelling positive parenting and connecting parents to resources and services to assist in lifting the Australian Early Development Consensus (AEDC) rating in the region; Providing grants to community organisations assisting young children. This includes a grant given to the Children’s Therapy Centre (Gympie) to purchase play equipment for children’s therapy sessions and funding the Tin Can Bay Little Guppies Playgroup to upgrade the safety and amenity of its building; Delivering school holiday activities in the gallery and library, family fun days and Movies in the Park across the region, which increase children and family participation in learning and community activities which in turn increases their social, emotional and cognitive levels; Providing a $10,000 one off community support payment to the Kilkivan Community C&K Kindergarten in 2018 to enable the kindy to undertake planning and operational changes.  The changes have resulted in more children enrolling in quality early childhood education in the western area of the region. Working with local sporting clubs and recreation providers to ensure child/baby friendly activities are provided, including; learn to swim classes, and mother-child specific exercise classes. Councillor and staff participation in the Local Level Alliance which involves working with the State Government, community organisations and practitioners to collectively pool resources and knowledge to raise aspirations and opportunities for families and children experiencing disadvantage and vulnerabilities; Supporting the Cooloola Partnerships Against Domestic and Family Violence to raise awareness about the need to provide safe homes for children, as domestic violence is a key contributor to social, emotional and physical distress.

Media Response 09/01/2019 – Blacksnake Road

Council roads are inspected regularly, and maintenance is undertaken on a priority basis. Regular road inspections and customer requests are key inputs, but prioritisation is determined by the amount of defect along the length of road as well as the traffic count.    

Blacksnake Rd was inspected late last year and at that time did not meet Council’s criteria for road grading. Council have been notified the road may have deteriorated and will arrange for inspection next week.

We are not aware of gardens teeming with Mother of Millions. We would welcome specific information/locations, should you have it. 

The Wide Bay Highway is a state controlled road. Council does not have any plans to upgrade James St.

Media Response 14/01/2019 – Australia Day

Could I please get a timetable for the date and venue for any Australia Day weekend event council are involved with?

Council will be hosting official Australia Day celebrations and a citizenship ceremony from 9am on Saturday 26 January at the Gympie Civic Centre. The celebrations will also include the presentation of the Australia Day Awards, citizenship ceremony to welcome our newest residents, followed by morning tea and music from a local artist. This is a free community event.

On 26 January, 2019, Council will also be offering the community free entry to pools in the Gympie region for Australia Day celebrations. These include pools at Goomeri, Kilkivan, Gympie ARC, Kandanga, Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay. Activities and opening hours vary at each facility. For opening hours of your local pool, please visit or contact your pool directly for an activity schedule.

What other events are happening on Australia Day?

Council is only directly involved with the two aforementioned events.

Is every event happening on the actual day January 26? Or are there more on the public holiday (January 28)?

Both of Council’s events will be held on Saturday 26 January, as per above.

Media Response 14/01/2019 – Upper Mary Street

Is there a start date available for the Upper Mary St work yet?

An official start date for construction on this project has not yet been set. Council will continue to consult with business and landowners on Mary St and notify the community well in advance of any work starting.   

Media Response 14/01/2019 – Rainbow Beach Town Centre noise Complaint

The ‘carnival’ event on the Centre Block (32 Rainbow Beach, Lot 1) was allocated a permit for use by Council for the period 18 December 2018 – 26 January 2019. The event is permitted to operate between 6pm to 10pm.

The applicant also holds a compliant food business license for this period, as well as all other relevant licenses and insurances.

Should residents have any concerns, please contact Gympie Regional Council on 1300 307 800.

Any noise complaints pertaining to a meeting, party or social gathering or an electrical appliance for producing or amplifying music or other sounds is a police matter and not Council related.

Media Response 15/01/2019 – Gympie Aerodrome Inquiry

Gympie Regional Council can confirm a minor incident occurred at the Gympie Aerodrome on Sunday January 13, approx. 12.30pm. The incident involved a helicopter occupied by 3 people which, when close to the ground, hit the ground and broke one of the skids.

The helicopter immediately landed and a recovery vehicle removed the helicopter. There were no injuries.

Media Response 16/01/2019 – proposed development -  39 residential block Wyvern Road subdivision (on the old Rainbow Shores Golf Course)

This is a current development application going through the application process, and as such, no decisions have been made.

The strategic intent of the Planning Scheme is to look at the long term (up to 30 years) growth of the region and the highest and best use of land to suit future needs. Rainbow Beach is a constrained land area, with potential for population growth including major tourism growth.

It is vital for Council to plan for future growth and development, rather than just responding to current trends. 

Media Response – 17/01/2019

Council was aware of the longstanding matter between Gympie District Historical Society (GDHS) and Mary Valley Heritage Railway (MVHR) but was not a party to them.

The letter to GDHS was an effort to facilitate the finalisation of the matter between the parties and to indicate the level of support council has provided to them.

Council have been advised that the locomotive in question is only suitable for scrap, has had no parts removed, and GDHS are free to go and collect it.