The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is reviewing the electoral structure of Ararat Rural City Council and is seeking your input.

By law, every Victorian council must have its electoral structure reviewed approximately every 12 years to ensure it provides fair and equitable representation for all voters.

This review is called an electoral representation review and considers:

whether the local council has the appropriate number of councillors whether the local council should be subdivided into wards or be unsubdivided and if subdivided, the number of wards, ward boundaries and the number of councillors per ward.

The VEC also looks at the council’s demographics, growth potential and the structure in similar local councils.

The VEC is encouraging all individuals and groups in Ararat Rural City Council to have their say. You can take part in the review by making a submission to the VEC. Public input is a vital part of the review process, providing valuable local perspectives and knowledge. A submission guide is available on the VEC website.

The VEC will be hosting a public information session for anyone interested in finding out more about the review. Ararat's session will be held:

Date and time - Thursday 31 January from 6.30pm

Location - Alexandra Oval Community Centre, 1 Waratah Avenue, Ararat

To find out more and how else you can make a submission, visit or call 131 832.