Throughout October and November, Be Connected is running a series of webinars focused on online safety for seniors.

Be Connected is an Australian Government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. Be connected aims to empower everyone to use the internet and everyday technology to thrive in our digital world.

The following two new topics will be presented over the coming months:

Staying safe on Facebook (October).

When used with proper care, Facebook can be an enjoyable source of entertainment and a great way to connect. The one hour webinar will cover:

What you can do on Facebook; How to take control of privacy settings; Common Facebook scams to watch out for; and How advertising works on Facebook.

Safer online shopping - Christmas edition (November).

Become a savvy and safe online shopper while protecting your money and personal information. The one hour webinar will cover:

How to shop and pay for things safely online; Common online shopping scams to look out for; How to spot a fake online deal; and Where to get help.

In addition to these webinars, Be Connected will also be running a few catch up sessions on their introductory topics: ‘Can you spot a scam?’ And ‘Safer online shopping and banking’.

For more information and to make a booking, visit the Be Connected bookings page to register for any of the above sessions: