Health & Wellbeing Strategy
Huon Valley Council 3 Sep 2018

The Council Positive Ageing and Access Strategies were developed in 2012 and were due for review in 2017.  The Council identified a need to develop a Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the wider community incorporating the Positive Ageing and Access Strategy.

In November 2017 Fae Robinson Futures was engaged to undertake the review the current Positive Ageing and Access Strategies and conduct consultation with the Huon Valley Council, community and stakeholders to produce a Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

The Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been developed following Consultation with members of the Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Advisory and Youth Advisory Committees, Huon Valley Council Commissioner and staff and the wider community.  Community consultation workshops were held in Huonville, Dover, Cygnet and Geeveston, Group consultations with School Principals and teachers, Students and Service Providers.

Research and community consultation has formed the basis of the draft strategy which supports positive change in health and wellbeing in the Huon valley.

The Strategy identifies three priorities and 10 action areas underpinning the Strategy.   Each Action details the Aspiration for the area.

The Action Areas have a number of Directions identified to be undertaken during the life of the Strategy.  Implementation priorities will be developed on an annual basis and included as actions with the Council’s Annual Plan.

The Council at is Ordinary meeting of 29 August 2018 approved the draft Huon Valley Health and Wellbeing Strategy for community consultation.

We would now like your feedback and comments on the draft Strategy.

Please click here to provide your feedback.