News: Cash boost for Purkiss Reserve Upgrade

Council will receive $9 million from the Northern Territory Government to upgrade facilities at Purkiss Reserve.

Posted: Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Barkly Regional Council is pleased to announce we have recently signed a variation to a grant we received from the Northern Territory Government's Department for Tourism and Culture. A total of $9 million is now being held by the NTG's Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) under a Recoverable Works Agreement to upgrade Purkiss Reserve in accordance with priorities identified by the Purkiss Reserve Consultative Committee and to be agreed to by our Council. Purkiss Reserve is a critical amenity for Tennant Creek and the Barkly region and provides for events, sporting entertainment and facilities for healthy lifestyles for all ages. A Project Steering Group consisting of representatives from the Barkly Regional Council, DIPL, the Purkiss Reserve Consultative Committee and the Department of Tourism & Culture has been formed to guide the project through to completion. Mayor Steven Edgington said Council is committed to ensuring 'local jobs for local people' and 'opportunities for local business' and will work with DIPL to ensure the NT Government procurement processes meet Council needs. "We continue to advocate for funding to support our youth and are looking forward to developing a facility that will deliver positive outcomes for people of all ages," he said. You can find more information about the Purkiss Reserve Upgrade by visiting: