Please note - permit to burn applications are now closed.

Region 16 CFA Operations Manager and Ararat Rural City Council’s Fire Prevention Officer (MFPO) have consulted with CFA brigade group officers and primary producers to determine a commencement date and burning conditions for 2019 Schedule 13 stubble burning permits.

The commencement date for stubble burning across the Ararat municipality will be Monday, March 25, 2019.

A Schedule 13 Permit to Burn electronic application form is now available on the Ararat Rural City Council website,

The permit will be processed after payment of the $100 fee, allowing applicants to burn any number of nominated parcels within the Ararat municipality, owned or leased by them.

Once the electronic form is submitted applicants will receive an automated response, acknowledging receipt of their application and providing payment information.

 Permits will be issued with conditions:

•3 fire units

•6000 litres water

•6 adults in attendance

•Bare earth break – not less than 3 metres wide and cleared of all flammable materials, then mechanically turned. (preferred 5-metre break)

•Burning off must not commence before 5 pm DST or 4.00pm EST on each day of the burning operation.

Other conditions may apply. These conditions will be continually reviewed by the CFA and MFPO as the season progresses. 

A requirement of the permit is for vineyards within five kilometres of the burn to be consulted prior to lighting up to reduce the risk of smoke-tainted grapes.