Big-hearted residents keen to lend a hand
City of Boroondara 10 Jan 2018

The latest census data has shown Boroondara residents to be among the most enthusiastic when it comes to supporting their community through volunteering.

Compared to the Greater Melbourne average of 17.6%, 26% of the Boroondara population reported they had volunteered in the 12 months leading up to the census.  This represents an increase of almost 5,000 volunteers on 2011 figures.

Where to start

If you live or work locally and are looking for ideas, or are a community organisation that needs volunteers, the Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre (BVRC) is a great place to start. 

Based in our Camberwell offices, the BVRC plays a vital role in helping connect locals with not-for-profit groups in need of assistance. 

Each year the centre refers more than 950 volunteers to local organisations including Anglicare, Solve Disability Solutions and Bass Care’s Meals on Wheels program. 

The shift towards skilled volunteering

We’re seeing an increase in people keen to contribute their professional skills - such as website development and design, social media, marketing and IT - and volunteer for short-term or project-based tasks.

This is enabling us to help organisations who may be struggling to complete short-term projects without these specialist skills.

Plus it’s a flexible way for people to fit volunteering around their work and family responsibilities, rather than committing to something regular and long term.

Recently the Chinese Cancer Society of Victoria (CCSV) engaged an IT professional with strong skills in programming, database design and software to revamp their member database.  

CCSV Volunteer co-ordinator Mandy Lee was thrilled with the outcome of engaging a skilled volunteer: 

“We are so lucky to obtain the help of an IT specialist. By contributing his skills in his own time from home, he was able to volunteer in a meaningful way and solve a problem for us.” Sign up for volunteering 

The Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre has lots of ideas for how you can make a difference in our community. 

See Find a volunteering opportunity or use your professional skills and register for the Boroondara Volunteer Skills Bank.