Illegal dumping has a negative impact on the environment and amenity of our region, and can present a hazard to the community.

The collection and disposal of the waste costs ratepayers. Please report any illegal dumping or hotspots to Council with as much information as possible.

If you do see someone in the act of illegal dumping report it immediately and provide a description of the people and vehicles involved, and if safe to do so take photographs.

Bins provided by Council in public areas across the region are NOT for the disposal of household or domestic waste. Additionally, leaving waste next to a bin that is full, is also illegal dumping.

Council offers three waste transfer locations. For more information and opening times please visit our website

Penalties apply for illegal dumping and littering, carrying a maximum penalty of $120,000 or 2 years imprisonment, for a natural person.

Please note: The photos above are from illegal dumping that has taken place in the Goyder region

Click here to see the Waste Transfer Station Opening Times