On Wednesday, 28 July, the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) Yuelamu office opened the Yuelamu Small Library.

The Community Development Program (CDP) in Yuendumu designed and made bookshelves as part of the Drought Relief funding, and the Yuelamu CDP painted the Yuelamu book shelf.  Tarun Avula, Facilities, ordered the books and Aloka Boteju and Minon Perera from Children’s Services delivered some of the boxes of books to Yuelamu. The Yuelamu works crew Mack Murphy, Kenrick Martin and Marcus Briscoe delivered the bookshelf to the office.

Finally, Council Services Coordinator Tammi Booker displayed the books for the community to read and borrow.

“The first visitors into the office to sight the books instantly said ‘Wow!’ and started browsing through the book selection,” said Tammi.

There are more libraries to come in other CDRC offices in the near future.

Photo: The new Yuelamu library in the Council office.