Jamie Webb of Atitjere has been elected as the new Councillor of the Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) ward of Akityarre.

After the resignation of Renita Webb last year, a by-election was called. Nominations closed at noon on Friday 16 October and the by-election was to be held today (5 November). However as Jamie Webb was the only nomination, he was automatically elected and no by-election is needed.

Jamie Webb is very happy to be a councillor with CDRC. “I am looking forward to a different challenge and to be learning something new.  I am keen to help the community and to be able to give something back to the community that raised me,” he said.

“I grew up in Atitjere and have lived in Atitjere almost all my life.  I have recently returned to Atitjere after spending the last four years in Mount Isa.”

“I am hoping that I can help the community return to a time when all members of the community were involved and to help the community to be more resilient.  I would like to see a community that is more interested in its own affairs and to try to help bring the community together for the better of us all.”

“I have been a keen football player and love all sports.  I enjoy hunting and teaching our young kids our traditional ways and how to be strong people in community.”

Cr Webb and his family are really happy that he has taken on this new role.  The CDRC staff at Atitjere are looking forward to working with both the councillors of Akityarre.

You can view the electoral results on the NT Electoral Commission website.