News: Roundabout survey

Fill in our survey for Council to receive feedback on the roundabout at the intersection of Peko Road and Ambrose Street.

Posted: Thursday, 1 March 2018

Following a Traffic Management Study by Cardno and discussions with the Northern Territory Government’s Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics, Council is now considering three options which we would like the public to deliberate on.  Residents are also welcome to fill in a survey (details below) and provide an alternative option.

Option 1:  Smaller roundabout

Reduce the size of the roundabout and make the necessary repairs to the intersection road surface and curbing.

Option 2: Speed Hump Platforms with Pedestrian Crossing and Stop Signs

Remove the roundabout, repair road surfaces and install speed hump platforms, incorporating pedestrian crossings, as well as stop signs on Ambrose Street on the approach to Peko Road.

Option 3: Speed Bumps and Stop Signs

Remove the roundabout, repair road surfaces and install speed bumps and stop signs on Ambrose Street on the approach to Peko Road. 

Having your voice heard? Please email your option choice and feedback to [email protected]  by 11pm on Sunday, 18 March 2018. Make sure Traffic Calming Feedback is in the subject heading. Alternatively, write your thoughts and choice down on a piece of paper, address the envelope to the CEO, Barkly Regional Council, Traffic Calming Feedback and either deliver to Council reception at 41 Peko Road or post to PO Box 821, Tennant Creek NT 0861. OR you can fill in our survey here Roundabout Survey