We’re seeking feedback on our plan to increase appropriate and accessible affordable housing in Bayside over the next four years.

While Council does not provide or build affordable or social housing, our Draft Affordable Housing Strategy sets out the ways we can help through:

Advocacy to State and Federal Government  Partnerships with State Government and the housing sector  Support for affordable housing providers and Bayside residents in housing crisis  Planning provisions to encourage affordable housing in appropriate locations that is sustainably designed to reflect our municipality.

This an important strategic initiative, as more than 1,000 Bayside households currently have an unmet need for affordable housing. With continued pressure from population growth and a strong property market, without intervention, this number will only increase.

The Draft Affordable Housing Strategy is open for community feedback until 25 April 2021. Click here to find out more about affordable housing, read the Draft Strategy, and tell us what you think about its key actions.

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