North Sydney Council is excited to share ideas to enhance the landscape of Hodgson Lookout, outlined in the following two plans which include:

·         Upgrades to paths and stairs to improve access

·         Upgrade and repositioning of park furniture

·         New plating and removal of weed infested areas

The aim of the proposed upgrade is to maintain the unique character of the park, minimise park maintenance, improve habitat and maximise the usability of the park for a range of visitors.

Hodgsons Lookout Park is perched on a steep hill overlooking the harbour. It offers spectacular views, an engaging playground and heritage stonework. The proposed upgrades aim to maintain the unique character of the park, minimise park maintenance, improve habitat and maximise the usability of the park for a range of visitors.

The heritage style of stonework at Hodgsons Lookout combined with steep areas of bushland, give the park its charming character. For this reason, the existing sandstone walls, stairs and entryway should be retained and incorporated into any proposed works. Weed removal and bush regeneration should take place to maintain the park’s appearance as well as increasing habitat for native fauna and improving park ecology.

Due to the steep incline of Hodgsons Lookout Park, erosion can occur and maintenance can be unsafe. Bush regeneration will require less maintenance and plant roots will bind the soil together, minimising the risk of erosion.

Wear zones will also need to be addressed surrounding the various desire lines throughout the park. Hodgsons Lookout Park is enjoyed by a variety of different users and the upgrades will need to address a wide range of requirements. Accessibility to existing stairways should be improved and a variety of seating types and locations should be considered for multiple user groups. Care should be taken to ensure the usable open space is level and unimpeded to retain its functionality.

Harbour views and sunlight should be maximised and community involvement in revegetation works needs to be maintained and encouraged. A clear link to Kurraba Reserve should be established to ensure visitors have the opportunity to experience both parks.

Please share your comments with us by 10 December 2020.

For further information please contact Council’s Landscape Projects Coordinator – Alicja Batorowicz, Open Space and Environmental Services Division:

Phone:            9936 8100

Email:             [email protected]


Posted on 10 November 2020

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