Sustainable Energy Plan adopted 1 Oct 2020 8:14 AM -

At its September ordinary business meeting, Lachlan Shire Council resolved to adopt an energy sustainability plan.

Council understands the importance of reducing its environmental impact and operational costs by implementing efficient energy management. The adopted plan will be a key tool in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, decreasing energy costs and improving the resilience of Council and the local community.

The plan outlines Council’s vision, strategies and timelines to drive the changes needed in moving towards a sustainable future.

Lachlan Shire Mayor John Medcalf OAM said the energy sustainability plan confirms Council’s commitment to a resilient and carbon neutral future.

“This plan outlines the key areas for our region to reduce its energy consumption and operational cost whilst continuing to meet the needs of the community and local industry,” he said. “We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change on a local and global scale. This plan outlines targets and action plans for Lachlan Shire Council to undertake to reducing operational cost and greenhouse gas emissions through planning and controlling our energy usage.

“To achieve our vision in relation to energy sustainability, we must overcome a number of complex environmental, social, and economical issues and challenges. As a community our challenge is to actively address issues identified in the Energy Sustainability Plan, to ensure Council and the community obtains the best possible outcome to grow and prosper.”

The plan can be viewed at: