Council releases plans
Lachlan Council News 12 Aug 2020
Council releases plans 12 Aug 2020 1:16 PM -

Lachlan Shire Council has released two important documents which will inform Council’s strategic community growth going forward.

Both documents – the Lachlan Local Strategic Planning Statement and the Lachlan Shire Community Participation Plan – have been finalised and are available on Council’s website.

The Lachlan Local Strategic Planning Statement sets out Council’s 20-year vision for land use in the local area.

It takes into account the special characteristics which contribute to local identity, shared community values to be maintained, and how growth and change will be managed into the future for our community and visitors.

The Statement contains a range of planning priorities and 30 actions related to Tourism, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Cultural Heritage, Housing, Environment and Resources.

The Lachlan Local Strategic Planning Statement can be accessed at:

The Lachlan Shire Community Participation Plan recognises Council’s commitment to community participation. This is is an overarching term covering how Council engages with the community in its duties under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (EP&A Act). This includes legislative reform, planning and decision making on proposed development.

The Plan is designed to make participation in planning easier for the Lachlan Shire community and can be found at:

 Council’s Director of Environment, Tourism and Economic Development Mr Jon Shillito said both documents are extremely important ones for our local community.

“Every Council in NSW must prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement, which sets out the vision for the Shire and considers the needs of the Lachlan Shire community and how these will change into the future.” Mr Shillito said. “The Local Strategic Planning Statement addresses how to protect and improve Lachlan’s natural environment in response to local, state, national and global trends.”