Murrin Bridge waste project
Lachlan Council News 11 Aug 2020
Murrin Bridge waste project 11 Aug 2020 4:06 PM -

Lachlan Shire Council has been assisting the Murrin Bridge community with its waste and recycling issues, and offering ideas on future solutions.

Last week, Environmental and Waste Officer Rowan Bentick gave a presentation for Murrin Bridge community leaders at a two-day program consultation run by the NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Mr Bentick’s presentation outlined the different options available to the community to manage its waste disposal.

Council recently installed kerbside waste collection at the community with 30 x 240L waste bins collected weekly, which has reduced the waste going to the Murrin Bridge landfill.

The community is also currently experiencing issues with outsiders illegally dumping waste at the landfill, which is on community land.

The exposed landfill poses potential health and environmental risks to the community and Mr Bentick outlined various other alternatives such as transfer stations and bin banks.

These would reduce the risk of litter pollution, exposed waste, fire, vermin, illegal dumping, scavenging and the stockpiling of waste.

The EPA hosted the consultation as part of its Aboriginal Communities Waste Management Program. This aims to reduce litter and waste, and increase the level of service to Aboriginal communities (former missions or reserves) across NSW.

This four year program runs from 2017 to 2021 and has a total of $4 million, to be invested in the planning and delivery of waste management projects in Aboriginal communities across NSW over the life of the project.