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Shire of York 23 Jun 2020

Published: Tuesday, 23 June 2020 at 5:01:57 PM

To support and incentivise local spend in York, the Shire will collaborate with local businesses and community organisations to roll out a shop local program.

Set to commence in July the program will: 

give early and on time rate payers ‘York Dollars’ to spend locally encourage local businesses to participate in the program by accepting York Dollars in their establishment  

CEO Chris Linnell states “This model of distributing funds into the local economy has been effective with several other Shires including Narrogin and Northam.  This direct investment into local businesses is one of the initiatives in development as part of the Shire’s COVID Recovery Strategy”.

Other initiatives that will be delivered under the COVID Recovery Strategy over the coming months include:   

Under the 2020/21 rates incentive model it is proposed that every ratepayer who pays in full up front receives a 1.5% discount, plus $50 York Dollars to spend with a registered local business. Rate payers who opt to pay by quarterly instalments will not only benefit by incurring no additional charge for choosing the instalment option (saving an average of $30) but will also receive $20 York Dollars to spend locally.  In response to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, Council has already stopped penalty interest charges relating to rates and charges, re-purposed reserves to support recovery projects and developed the draft budget with no increase to the rate in the dollar for rates 2020/21.  A business grant program is proposed to support local business recovery  The development of an event recovery calendar that supports small scale frequently occurring events to support community and sporting group engagement and participation 

As a result of the review of Shire reserves, up to $340,000 has been identified to be re-purposed to directly contribute to the local economy and support York’s recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Shire has also been granted extra funding of $433,000 from Federal Government as part of the federal assistance grants.  The money will be allocated to road improvements and community initiatives. 


For further information, please contact Chris Linnell, CEO:  9641 2233 or Email: [email protected]

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