Have your say: Public toilet strategy Published: 23 June 2020

The community is invited to provide input into the development of a Public Toilet Strategy.

The strategy will set out a 10-year framework for Council to provide safe, accessible, clean, and environmentally sustainable public toilets across the shire for residents and visitors. It will take into consideration location, security, design, usage levels and costs for public toilets.

The provision of council-managed public toilets improves local amenity and supports activity in public parks and other recreational areas.

The Public Toilet Strategy is intended to guide where public toilets (including the provision of changing places facilities) are provided and how the community experiences them.

There are currently 39 public toilets owned and managed by Cardinia Shire Council.  

The purpose of this strategy is to:

Ensure that the most frequently visited parks and public places within the Shire have an equitable provision of Public Toilets. Ensure that new or upgraded facilities consider publicly accessible toilets at locations where the community gathers. Promote health and fitness by providing public toilets that support active lifestyles including walking, jogging and cycling. Establish opportunities for new facilities to keep up with a rapidly growing Municipality. Create strategies for the maintenance, refurbishment or replacement of existing facilities. Provide guidance on design of future public toilets and gives consideration to the application of the changing places facility.   Provide a focus for increased efficiency in useability, cleanliness, and environmental management of power and water.

For more information about how you can provide input into the development of this strategy visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

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